Test your bandwidth upload, download speed

In computer networks, bandwidth is often used as a synonym for data transfer rate - the amount of data that can be carried from one point to another in a given time period (usually a second). This kind of bandwidth is usually expressed in bits (of data) per second (bps).

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Take the Speakeasy Speed Test and test your connection speed! By measuring the download and upload rate from the following locations you are able to accurately judge your current line throughput or internet connection speed. To take the speed test, choose the server nearest you.


1 comment:

priya said...

It's nice site for checking the broadband speed.I tested my Internet speed by using the http://www.ip-details.com/internet-speed-test/ .
My speed test results are,
7.02 Mbps when downloading,
2.86 Mbps when uploading.